Enhancing Performance and Privacy for Umbrel Users

More details on our dedicated website > schirm.nirvati.org

Unlock the Full Power of Your Raspberry Pi with SchirmOS

SchirmOS is a powerful and optimized operating system designed specifically for the Raspberry Pi. Built as a fork of the renowned Umbrel OS, SchirmOS replaces the underlying Debian operating system with Debian 11, offering enhanced performance and functionality while still maintaining compatibility with Umbrel.

Why Choose SchirmOS?

SchirmOS is not just another operating system; it’s a performance powerhouse. It removes the performance restrictions added by Umbrel, allowing your Raspberry Pi to reach its full potential. Whether you’re running a home server or using your Raspberry Pi for complex computations, SchirmOS provides the stability and speed you need.

Easy to Install, Easier to Use

Getting started with SchirmOS is as simple as it gets. With an easy installation process and a user-friendly interface, you’ll be up and running in no time. Plus, because SchirmOS is built on the solid foundation of Debian 11, you’ll have access to a vast array of software packages and updates.

Join the Community

When you choose SchirmOS, you’re not just installing an operating system – you’re joining a community. Our users are passionate about maximizing the capabilities of their Raspberry Pis and are always willing to share tips, tricks, and solutions. Check out our community page to join the conversation.

Ready to unlock the full power of your Raspberry Pi? Download SchirmOS today!

Please note: SchirmOS is still in development. Some features may not be available at this time.