In the digital realm, we’re mere tenants. Your data in clouds is hosted via overreaching Terms and Conditions – and Big Tech holds the keys to it.

Behind user’s backs these cloud operators party with this data, censor and sniff it at will, overtake ownership and sell them to the highest bidder.

Nirvati OS is your exit strategy to regaining power over your digital self. Be your own hoster and break free from using foreign clouds.
Its never been so easy!

Nirvati OS is your private cloud

Google Drive, Dropbox, Imgur, iCloud, One Drive: Your home, your data.

Self-Sovereignity is freedom

Nirvati OS is your route to regain data liberty and regain control of your digital life and data. Nirvati is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), its free and has a 24/7 community support. You are the Cloud now!

personal cloud

Welc-Home, Sovereignty

The Nirvati ecosystem can run on any mini-/PC, Raspberry Pi, Homelab, VM, on a RockPro or a NUC. No need for specialized hardware !


Unleash the power of AI

Ask questions, educate yourself on a topic or send requests based on your personal files – but without the curious middlemen.

Private chat with an AI

Ask sensitive questions safely.
No registration required.
No privacy leaks.

Integrated AI features

AI Nextcloud app
at your fingertips.

Nirvati App Store

Discover the world of the most trusted, free, open source and user-friendly apps for your daily digital life.

Constantly growing App-Store at your fingertips.

The Nirvati Family

OSs | Tools | Services


The Nirvati Family highly relies on open-source and the community.

Become a part of the team and contribute today.

Prefer pre-installed OS?

Get a Nirvati device
set up and ready directly
from our hardware partners !

Join the hardware
partner program


Our journey thrives thanks to the support of individuals, families, and organizations that are
dedicated to ensuring privacy, security and data ownership for everyone’s digital freedom.