Unleash your Data !

  • Ignite Digital Privacy and Freedom with Nirvati OS, where our logo symbolizes boundless possibilities on the winds of change. Our open-source solutions offer seamless work and entertainment without hidden terms or conditions, ensuring your data sovereignty.
  • Join the Movement: Nirvati OS empowers individuals, families, and organizations with free Operating Systems for their hardware, software, and service needs, making digital self-sovereignty accessible to all.
  • Support our mission: As a small nonprofit, we rely on donations to advance our mission. Your support fuels our journey towards accessible, secure and data storage and privacy services – free and accessible to everyone.

  • Your donation matters: Your contribution isn’t just support—it’s the wind beneath our wings, propelling us towards a more private and secure digital future. Help us continue to champion “Breathing Life into Digital Privacy and Freedom” – donate today!


If you have any questions or issues, we’re happy to assist

Contribute in your own way

There are many ways to contribute to the Nirvati ecosystem. Every skill and effort, no matter how small, is valuable and deeply appreciated. Discover the various ways you can make a difference with Nirvati and become an integral part of our community. We want you in our team !

Share the experience

Everyone, both inside and outside the open-source community, can help other users, share important news and provide extremely valuable insights. Developers may not always understand the expectations of inexperienced users, and new users might not see the developers’ perspective. Got a great idea for making a workflow easier ? Did you find something confusing ? Want to help making a tutorial for others ? Projects that benefit from a diverse range of skills and viewpoints can make the most significant impact! Everyone is most welcome, help us to help others !


Report Issues or ideas

By reporting bugs and new ideas for workflows or apps helps us to constantly enhance the overall quality of Nirvati for everyone.


Test new Features

Experiment with our last Release in verious environments or stress-test our Beta-Releases to ensure they meet even your highest standards.


Provide Feedback

Your experiences, ideas and suggestions are vital in shaping the future of Nirvati.

Never hesitate to let us know about your experience with the Nirvati OS Family.


Assist other users

Once you got to know Nirvati you’re set to assist new members of the community, too.

Want to change something in the documentation ? We hear you !

Contribute your language skills

Whether you’re a gifted writer, translator, podcaster or speaker, language skills can extend the reach of Nirvati’s mission a lot and make it more accessible to others.



Skilled writers can make Nirvati more accessible to a broader audience.

Enhance our documentation: Improve and expand our documentation to assist users or write a guide or tutorial to let others know, how you are using Nirvati for your use case.



Translators of course play a pivotal role in ensuring that Nirvati is accessable to all people worldwide. AI you say ? We prefer real people at least proofreading !

Enhance Nirvati with your language: Contribute by translating the pages of one of the OS of the Nirvatis Family to your language or translate our or others documentation or guides on Nirvati products.



Help us advocate for Nirvati and promote our mission to a broader range of audiences.

Spread outreach material: Leaflets, stickers, flyers, merchandise helps us to spread the word.

Engage with the press and media: Share information about Nirvati on your favorite podcast, magazine, or newspaper.

Contribute your computer skills

Whether you’re a developer, system administrator or designer, your technical skills can have a profound impact on Nirvati’s user experience.


Developer or SysAdmin

Talented individuals with diverse software skills can contribute to the improvement of Nirvati.

Work on the Source Code: Enhance Nirvati by working on its source code.

Contribute to Fedora: ollaborate on improving Fedora, a foundation for Nirvati.


System Administrator

System administrators are instrumental in contributing to the infrastructure that supports Nirvati.

Run a HTTP Mirror: Help maintain Nirvati’s infrastructure by running an HTTP mirror.

Enhance Nirvati’s Infrastructure: Contribute to the continuous improvement of our infrastructure.


Designer & Artists

Designers can make Nirvati more user-friendly and visually appealing.

Enhance the Website: Improve the Nirvati website to make it more accessible and informative.

Create nice things: Leaflets, stickers, hardware-cases – nobody can ever have enough of them.

Design webgraphics: Design graphics that enhance the Nirvati experience for user